The British 3+2 Master Program
The British 3+2 Master Program
pubdate: 2021/09/09 views:

This program is a joint program co-developed by British and Chinese educational institutions. It is accredited by the Bureau of Education of the Chinese Embassy in Britain and introduced to China by the Chinese Service Center and Scottish Qualification Authority. The program is widely recognized and supported by the Scottish Government of the UK, the British Council, the National Education Examinations Authority of the Ministry of Education of China, the Vocational Qualification Centre of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the Enterprise Association and the Entrepreneurs Association of China, etc.

Within the British educational framework, we insist that students are the focus. We adopt the course modules and syllabuses of British universities as well as the original English edition of textbooks. Teachers give lectures in English.

Students are going to study in China for the first three years, then they continue to spend one year in the UK to get a Bachelor degree and one more year to obtain a Master degree.


lFinancial Service

lGlobal Trade and Business

lBusiness with Accounting

lHospitality Management


lBusiness with Marketing

lComputer Networking and Internet Technology

lSupply Chain Management:Non-manufacturing

Duration (years): 5 years
High School Graduates applying for the programme with Chinese National Entry Exam

@XMU1st YearEnglish + General Education Courses

@XMU2nd ,3rd YearMajor Courses

OVERSEAS4th YearRemaining Bachelor Degree in Overseas universities

OVERSEAS5th Year (Option)Master Degree in Overseas universities
