个人理财服务 Personal Financial Services、商务会计 Business Accounting、研究技巧 Research Skills
曾供职于国际房地产顾问“五大行”之一DTZ戴德梁行重庆公司,任策略发展顾问部分析师,负责和参与大型综合房地产开发项目市场研究、前期策划和定位、财务分析及项目评价等方面的工作。近几年教学活动获学生高度认可, 学生评价“认真负责、有活力”、“注重互动、引导学生思考”,“大学三年来遇到的为数不多的好老师之一”,“可以进最喜爱讲师榜前三”等。
Dr. Lai has work experience as an analyst at the consultancy department at DTZ, a global leader in property services. He was responsible for market research and feasibility analyses, and provided advice for project development for several real estate projects. In recent years, Dr. Lai’s teaching is highly evaluated by students. Examples of students’ feedback include “serious and responsible”, “emphasize on interaction among students and teacher in the classroom and inspire students to think”, “one of the few good teachers I have encountered”, “Top 3 of my favorite teachers”.
1.Portfolio Demand and Housing Consumption Risk Hedging: Evidence from Geographic Variations in the Housing Supply Elasticity (with Yuming Fu), Working Paper;
2.Asset Risk Premia in Production Economy with Housing (with Yuming Fu), Working Paper;
3.The Competitive Consumption Spending Motives and Local Gender Imbalance (with Sumit Agarwal and Yuming Fu),Working Paper;
1. 中南财经政法大学校级基本科研业务费青年教师资助项目,住房供给弹性对股票风险溢价的影响研究,2016.09-2017.09,主持;
2. 湖北省教育厅人文社会科学研究项目,17G022,湖北省人口-土地城镇化协调发展研究:多维评价、空间分析与对策建议,2017.08-2018.12,参与;
3. 中南财经政法大学校级教学项目,YB2016033,基于“三位一体”的工程造价管理课程体系建设研究,2016.09-2017.09,参与;
4. 国家社会科学基金青年项目,15CGL051,污染型邻避设施规划建设中的公众参与机制研究,2015.07-2017.06,参与;
1. 2017 年“福晟杯”第九届全国大学生房地产策划大赛暨首届全国大学生房地产专业能力大赛优秀指导老师;
2. 2017年南财经政法大学学院青年教师讲课比赛二等奖;
3. 2015 AREUEA-ASSA年会博士专场旅行资助 (Travel Award);
4. 新加坡国立大学研究奖学金( 2010-2014);
5. 2002年重庆大学优秀学生;
6. 2001-2005年重庆大学建设管理与房地产学院甲等奖学金、丙等奖学金、袁志伟奖学金;