Teaching at Doshisha Women’s college of Liberal Arts and Kansai Gaidai University between 2000 and 2009, with a focus on comparative studies on Chinese and Japanese languages. Now teaching at the International College of Xiamen University. Experienced in gradual progress in language teaching, and at the same time, focusing on improving the accuracy of language expression and students' communication skills.
1.《日语敬语教学法试探----结合 JF 日语标准中的”can-do”模式》 2018年4月 期刊名称: 《教育教学论坛》 ISSN 1674-9324 CN 13-1399/G4
《Exploring the Teaching Method of Japanese Honorifics: with the “Can-do” Mode in JF Japanese Standard as an Example Apr 2018《Education Forum》ISSN 1674-9324 CN 13-1399/G4
2.《推拉因素理论与中日项目》 2015年6月 期刊名称: 《中外教育合作研究》 ISSN2222-9590
《Theory of Push and Pull Factors in Sino-Japan Projec》 Jun 2015 《Quarterly Journal of China-Foreign Education Cooperation Studies》 ISSN2222-9590
3.《试析高校青年教师职业成长中的问题》 2013年10月 期刊名称: 《湖北科技学院报》ISSN2095-4654CN42-1831/z